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Disney parks are magical, amazing, and expensive! If there is one thing I’ve learned about Disney vacations it is to plan ahead! Experienced park-goers know that hotel, dining, and park pass reservations all need to be made well in advance. They also know that saving a few bucks where they can is golden! Therefore, I have put together my list of favorite Amazon Finds for Walt Disney World Vacations! Some of these items you can get at the parks, but by buying them early you will save some serious cash! Also, being prepared will help you to have a better Disney vacation. Enjoy!  

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. These products are linked because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases.

1. Brita Bottle

This was probably the most important find for me! I drink A LOT of water, and the water in and around the Orlando parks tastes pretty nasty. That’s why this bottle is crucial for me! It seriously makes the water taste better. I cannot go to Walt Disney World without it!

2. Charger

Nowadays everyone is taking photos, posting on social media and using their phones for just about everything. In the Disney parks you also need your cell phone for fast pass scheduling, and pretty much everything else through the My Disney Experience app. I suggest bringing a charger to help give you some juice in your time of need.

Note that they also offer a “Fuel Rod” system at the parks that could be worth looking into. From what I have hard this is more of a “convenience” item, and you will get a better product by purchasing off Amazon.

3. Cooling Towel

Another fact about the Orlando parks is that it gets HOT there! This can severely affect your park experience! But with a bit of planning, you can stay much cooler and enjoy your time. Enter cooling towels! They keep you cool during those hot park days. They sell these in the parks as well but buying ahead of time will save some money!

4. Travel Fan

Piggybacking off the fact that Orlando is HOT, these fans can be a lifesaver! You can also buy these at the parks but saving a bit of money and being prepared is awesome!

5. Birkenstocks

Having comfortable shoes when walking 10 plus miles a day is crucial! I have VERY sensitive feet (thank you running) so I need tons of support in my shoes. Birkenstocks are one of the only sandals I can wear all day in comfort. I love them for Disney parks… and everywhere else!

6. Hand Sanitizer

Another fun fact is that Disney parks have A LOT of people going through them. I’ve been skeptical about hand sanitizer before, in fact I didn’t use it for years. Then I got sick a lot and got very sick after going on a few Disney vacations. The next time I went to Disney I used hand sanitizer religiously and… didn’t get sick! Call it a coincidence, call it what you will, but I never go to a Disney park without the stuff!

7. Probiotic Supplement

I’m a bit of a probiotic junkie. I think that eating yogurt every day is super important to keeping my gut healthy. When I go to Disney, I try to eat yogurt every day. But if I miss a day, or if those Mickey waffles look just a little bit more exciting, I pop a probiotic pill to help keep my tummy happy. Believe me, I LOVE Disney food, thus these probiotics that don’t require refrigeration are crucial to me enjoying all the tasty things!

8. Hatch Sound Machine

One item that has changed the way I travel is my Hatch sound machine. I am a light sleeper and hotels can be a challenge for me. I love this because it provides enough white noise for me to get a good night’s sleep plus it’s fairly compact!  

I’m never without my baseball hat!

9. Baseball Hat

I have become the biggest fan of baseball hats! I used to only wear them to run, but they have become a crucial part of my Disney park wardrobe! I love Minnie ears, don’t get me wrong, but I also love keeping the sun out of my eyes and protecting my skin! On those super sunny Florida days, I must wear a hat! Plus, hats mean I don’t have to worry about my hair looking good. Win-win! 😉

10. Backpack

Wearing a purse all day in the parks can be hard on your back. That’s why I’ve changed over to a lightweight drawstring bag for my park exploring! I toss all my goodies I need for the day and my husband and I switch off backpack wearing throughout the day (though full disclosure, he usually ends up wearing it more than me… yay husbands!)

11. Ponchos

The weather in Florida is unpredictable. Random heavy rainstorms can happen at any time! Buying ponchos on Amazon is much cheaper than at Disney, and you will not regret having some rain protection when that freak storm hits!

12. Sunscreen

This goes without saying, but wear sunscreen ya’ll! This may not be an amazing Amazon find, but whenever you go to a Disney park, or are outside all day in general, wear sunscreen and avoid sunburns! Putting sunscreen on is just part of our pre-park morning routine. Also, bring some with you in your day bag to re-apply! I love this Neutrogena sunscreen because it smells nice and sprays evenly, no need to rub it in!

13. Ziploc bags

Perhaps another “no brainer”, but you will never regret bringing extra Ziploc bags. Leftover food? Going on a water ride? Afraid something might explode in your bag? Ziplocs are a must for me whenever I travel and especially when I go to Disney!

Hopefully, this helps prepare you for your next Walt Disney World adventure! I know that these items have been crucial for me and my park enjoyment!

If you have ever considered doing a Fireworks Dessert Party at the Magic Kingdom, see my post and review of the “Ever-Popular Magic Kingdom Fireworks Dessert Party”!

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10 Replies to “Favorite Amazon Finds for Walt Disney World Vacations”

  1. These are great tips. Definitely a backpack, water bottle and cooling towel really helped last time we were there and it was 100 degrees.

    1. Wow such a great list. I love the probiotic idea! I mean after eating all the things you know you absolutely have to try 😉. Will be pinned for later!

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