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I’m not gonna lie, sometimes I do not love running. As I transition from Half Marathon to Full Marathon Training, I may need to remind myself (constantly) why I run. As tough as running can feel, I know that ultimately, I LOVE to run! That’s why I keep coming back for more, I can’t get enough. So, here is my list of 13 excellent reasons to LOVE running!

1. Fitness

First and most obviously, fitness is a HUGE reason to run. Getting cardio is important, and you will get a workout by running! It’s great for your heart, bones, and muscle mass. Getting fit is probably the top reason most folks decide to start running.

2. Convenience

Since exercise and fitness are important, the ease of fitting them into your lifestyle is also crucial! Running can be done anywhere and at any time! No need to plan your day around a class or gym hours, just grab your shoes and go!

When I went to Europe we stayed in a small village one night. I went for a run and was able to burn some calories even though there was no gym or “workout equipment” in sight!

3. Commune with Nature

Without running I would never take the time to walk on a nature trail or simply be outside. I know I should! Being outdoors is amazing and I love enjoying the natural world around me. But with running I am ensured some outside time while I get my runs in. I’ve even started occasionally running music free , which deepens the nature immersion!  

4. Sense of Community

I tend to be a bit of a “lone wolf” runner. Even though I enjoy running with others, it isn’t something I need to complete my runs. Despite my loner tendencies, I love the running community! Whether it’s in a local running group, at a race, or folks at a running store, I instantly feel connected with other runners. Sharing that passion for the sport connects and motivates us. Some of my favorite race memories have been when random runners have encouraged and motivated me during my race. We are all coming together to share this crazy passion we have called running! =)

Medals are pretty!

5. Accomplishment

In life, we sometimes feel like there are many things out of our control. I know when I was in a tough spot, I decided to take control and accomplish something that I had complete control of, running a half marathon. All I had to do was show up. All I had to do was get the runs in and be consistent, and I knew I could crush my goal. When I crossed that finish line the feeling of accomplishment was so sweet. I did it, and you can too! <3

6. Alone Time

This may sound counterintuitive to #4 Sense of Community, but my reason to include alone time in the list is that we ALL need it occasionally! I know when life gets hectic and I am being pulled in different directions, running gives me that “me time” I need. Everyone needs a bit of time to focus on themselves and running gives that opportunity!

7. Stress Relief

Going along with #6 Alone Time, running is also a much-needed stress relief! Even in the days before I was running marathons, I would run to decompress. Something about being outside, enjoying nature, and focusing on my breathing, centers me and washes my stress away. Sometimes I feel like running is the one thing holding me together and making me feel like myself. I am a much happier person when I run!  

8. Moving Meditation

Similarly to #7 Stress Relief, running is a way to practice quieting all the thoughts and concerns of everyday life. I don’t know about you, but I am awful at making myself meditate. It is SO good to do, but sitting in my living room trying to be still with a blank mind is tough! With running I feel like I can just focus on the act of running, how I am feeling, how my breathing sounds and just let everything else go.


Alright, if you haven’t guessed it by now, I LOVE food! Like, really really love good food. Running burns so many calories that eating a bit more is a MUST, especially for marathon training! I am not suggesting you eat junk food, in fact, I highly suggest you NOT eat it, but some quality treats are certainly ok! (Check out my Favorite Cookbooks for Runners for some tasty recipes!) If you’ve ever wondered what marathon runners think about on those 20-plus miles practice runs… it’s food. Luckily our bodies need those extra calories, so go ahead and have a treat or two after a long run! 

Post race at the St. George Marathon!

10. Races

If you decide to start running, I suggest signing up for a goal race. This will keep you on track with training, plus they are so much fun! Let’s be real here, obviously getting a medal is a pretty awesome reason to race. But every aspect of a race is great, from the expo, to possibly running in a new area, to the post-race party, to the swag! Races are the ultimate prize at the end of a training cycle, they keep me motivated and focused during my most difficult runs!    

11. Exploring New Places

You will most likely be running in a new area when you race. I love that it gives me the excuse to see a city that I might never have thought to visit. When we traveled to St. George Utah for the St. George marathon, I was blown away by how gorgeous it was! I had never been to Utah and might never have visited if it hadn’t been for the marathon. I will defiantly be back, there is so much to see and the rock formations were breathtaking!

Also, running when traveling is one of my favorite activities! I have run in many cities while on vacation and always enjoy the unique perspective it brings! =) 

12. Runner’s High

The fabled “runner’s high” can be pretty awesome. I don’t get it every time I run, but occasionally I feel AMAZING after a run. Like I can do anything! Then I fall asleep after eating a victory cupcake and turning on Netflix. *Shrug* We all have our own definition of success.   

13. When it’s Good, it’s REALLY Good

Like I said before, running isn’t always fun. I do not wake up every day and think to myself “I cannot wait to get in another wonderful 13-mile run!”. BUT usually the days I am not looking forward to running the most end up being my favorite runs. These are the runs that make everything worth it. You feel strong, you are crushing your goals and those are the runs we live for.

Hopefully, I have inspired you (and myself) to get out there and start running! It might seem hard sometimes, but the reasons to love running make every mile worthwhile. =)

If you haven’t read my Race Recap on the Urban Cow Half Marathon, come check it out! Also, if you are going to start running, see my list of Time-Tested Gear for Distance Running where I recommend my favorite gear.     

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2 Replies to “13 Excellent Reasons to LOVE Running”

  1. I agree with all of these, especially running for stress relief. I also love to run when traveling because you definitely get an different perspective and get to see so much. I have a love hate relationship with running, but it’s mostly love!!

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