Our little man is turning two in a few weeks, I cannot believe it! In the past 24 months, we have done a decent amount of traveling. There has definitely been some trial and error, and I am here to help other traveling families out! Learn from our mistakes and avoid them with the below fantastic products. Now when we travel we know exactly what to bring to make our trips as smooth as possible. Keep reading for our travel must-haves with a baby or toddler!
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Slumberpod & Fan
The Slumberpod is my #1 first choice for traveling with a little one. Once our babe was out of his travel bassinet (at around 5 months old), he refused to sleep when we traveled. It wasn’t until we discovered the Slumberpod that he started to sleep, like REALLY sleep, when we were away. It makes a dark and private environment that our kiddo loves. It is a lifesaver and I highly recommend it! We also use the Slumberpod fan to help with the airflow. Note: We don’t even zip it closed all the way and it still works to make a dark enough environment that our guy can sleep in.
Sound Machine
If you use white noise at home, bring a white noise maker when you travel. There are travel options (which I have used), and phone apps, but honestly, now we just bring our Hatch sound machine with us. I love that the Hatch can be controlled by my phone so if I need to adjust anything it’s super easy.
Some places have a Pack’n’Play that you can borrow. We bring our own now just because we know our little will sleep in it, and it’s nice and clean. Sometimes you cannot bring your own and that’s totally understandable, but for us, we try to bring ours wherever we go.
Having a travel mattress is really nice to make a pack’n’play cozier. Just make sure to use it appropriately according to the manufacturer’s directions.

Pouch Tops
These are great for letting your little ones feed themselves, without all the mess! Just test them out on all the pouches you use, they fit better on some more than others.
Reusable Bags
I try my best to be green with reusable bags. I love these Stasher bags and use them every day! They definitely come in handy for storing leftovers or snacks.
Face Wipes
We use anti-bacterial wipes all the time when we travel. Just wipe hands and surfaces down to help reduce chances of getting sick, and to clean messy babies!
Snack Cup
Another independent eater hack, snack cups! These are great for holding snacks while your little one chows down. They are NOT mess proof, just keep in mind you will probably leave a trail of Cheerios wherever you go. Yes, I’m speaking from experience.
Formula Cups
If you have a baby that needs formula, these cups are SO convenient! Just measure your servings and put them in the cups. They stack for easy storage. You can also use them for small snacks when your kiddo gets older!

Minimeis Shoulder Carrier
You all know my love for the Minimeis Shoulder carrier (read my full review HERE!), it is definitely a must-have for us! We use it when we travel, at Disney, and around the neighborhood. It’s the best way to carry our son, and he LOVES it!
Lightweight Stroller
Our guy isn’t a huge stroller fan, but we still bring one anyways. We found a very lightweight stroller that is easy to travel with. We use it to carry our extra stuff, food, heavy diaper bag, and whatever we need. And sometimes he rides in it. It’s just nice to have the option.
Wet Bag
Having a wet bag is nice so you don’t have to worry about getting things in your diaper bag wet. Spills happen, or even a wet swimsuit, so a waterproof bag is perfect!
If your kid is like ours and is REALLY into stickers, having a good amount of stickers on hand can be a lifesaver. It is entertainment and also an incentive when you need your kid to do something (I don’t want to say bribe… but we have used stickers many a time to help encourage what we need him to do 😉 ).
Wireless headphones for the plane can be nice when you need your kiddo to chill out. Now, if they decide to wear them is a different story. I wouldn’t drop a lot of money on headphones for kids since it’s not a guarantee they will use them. It is a nice option to have and a distraction if nothing else.

Is Travel With a Baby or Toddler Worth It?
This might seem like a lot of stuff, but we don’t use all of it now since he’s a bit older. I will say that when we traveled with him at under a year old we would pack our little four-door sedan DOWN. It was nuts. But that is a price I am willing to pay to have a happy, sleeping kiddo!
For now, we still have a decent amount of stuff, but it’s not overwhelming. Also, Southwest has been our friend since they offer two free checked bags per paid passenger. Don’t forget you can gate-check certain baby items like a stroller, so that is very helpful! However you do it, it IS worth it to travel with a baby or toddler! I know some people might say it’s a waste of money, but if you love to travel there is no reason not to do it with your little one! With some great gear and a little preparation, it can be so much fun. So, get out there and explore, it will do wonders for your family and your mental health! =)
Curious about our first Walt Disney World Trip with our babe? Read all about it HERE in Walt Disney World with a 16-month-old toddler trip report!
Don’t forget to grab a FREE printable packing list! Click HERE for access to our resource library!
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