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True confession, I’m a BAD flyer.

That is to say, airports (security lines, noisy people), getting to the airport, and the act of flying… they stress me out. The bottom line is, I need to fly to get to most of the destinations I dream of going to. Not to mention it’s just the most practical way to get around long distances in our modern world. I need to fly frequently, so anytime I find ways to make this process better is seriously a lifesaver! So, here are my top tips and discoveries to make travel better!

Experience Related Discoveries

1.     TSA Pre-Check & Global Entry

I held off on getting TSA Pre-Check for a LONG time. It costs money (~85.00 for 5 years) and you have to go to the airport for an in-person meeting to get approved. When I FINALLY bit the bullet and got it, I don’t think I can ever go back! The amount of stress that is lifted due to knowing security won’t be a nightmare is INVALUABLE. Pre-Check has shorter lines, no awkward taking off shoes and jackets while everyone stares at you… No joke, if you don’t get anything else from this post, I hope you think about getting TSA Pre-Check.

I don’t have Global Entry yet (this is the international version of Pre-Check), but as my husband and I start to travel globally more often I will make sure we get it!

2.     Lounges

This is something I don’t know I would have ever thought about if it weren’t for my husband and a few of his fancy credit cards. Lounges come in many varieties, so keep that in mind when looking into them (some are much nicer than others). On top of being associated with an exclusive airline or frequent flyer program, you can sometimes pay to enter a lounge. Some credit cards give you access to certain lounges as well.

I have been able to join my husband in several lounges, and it makes waiting for a flight so enjoyable! There is food, usually Wi-Fi, outlets, and comfortable seating. Some lounges have showers, which on an international flight would be a luxurious perk! I know this tip seems a bit far-fetched, but if you have a long layover somewhere, investigate it! It might be worth it!   

3.     Airline Rewards Programs & Credit Cards

I sign up for the rewards or frequent flyer program with every airline I fly. Typically, you get the most perks when you stick to one airline. Depending on how much you fly you can see the benefits add up quickly! The more points you have, the closer you are to a free flight!

I fly Southwest the most often. This is because their rates are usually very competitive. They offer free checked bags, changing flights is VERY easy compared to other airlines, and I have their credit card so I get more rewards points when I book. Plus, they send me so many free drink coupons that I get to make people’s days by handing them out to my neighbors 😉 Instant friends!

I’ve had great luck with Southwest, but I know there are other airlines offering credit card perks and reward program benefits. Look into these options and see if they make sense for you. At the very least look into the airlines’ frequent flyer program. They are free and you can start earning towards future travel!   

4.     Parking Rewards Programs

I park at the airport parking lots/garages often. A few years ago I realized that they offer a frequent parker program. I’d been missing out on potentially free parking for years! It’s free to sign up and the points you earn add up to free days of parking. It’s not much, but it helps the sting when it comes to parking costs.

In the past few months I have started using another nearby lot that has a similar program. They are great because you can reserve a spot online so you don’t have to worry about parking availability.

These might seem like small things, but if you are anxious like me they help reduce stress A LOT.

Gear Related Discoveries

1.     Packing Cubes

I LOVE my packing cubes! I get very excited about pulling out the “cubes” and organizing my clothes when I pack. Maybe that’s just me…. But they do help keep clothes less wrinkly and easier to find in a suitcase. Anything that gets me excited to pack is worth it in my book! I use the ones below, they work great!

2.     Air-Compressed Bags

These are AMAZING if you need to get a lot of clothes in your suitcase! You just simply fill them up, seal, and then squish all the air out of the bag! I’ve used them for international trips, plus our wedding trip when I had A LOT of stuff to pack! Be aware that while you may have more room, the condensed bags will weigh more, so keep an eye on that!  

3.     High Quality Luggage

I have used a lot of cheap luggage in my time. When I finally sprung for nicer luggage, it was better than I could have ever imagined! Ok, so that’s a bit dramatic, but I’ve had suitcases’ zippers breaks on me (while traveling) and don’t even get me started on trying to roll a suitcase with wonky wheels…. It can enhance your travel experience to have a sturdy, dependable piece of luggage! I like the Samsonite ones below! 

4.     Kindle Paperwhite

One thing I DO enjoy about waiting around at an airport is the chance to catch up on my reading. I never thought I’d enjoy a kindle, they aren’t the same as a book, right?! But… now that I have one I’m a fan! They are so small and portable! The battery life is excellent, and the way the screen looks is much more book-like than reading on a phone or a tablet. Also, I enjoy the fact that it shows the reading time for each chapter. I’m just a data nerd like that. Seriously, try it out, you might fall for it like I did!  

5.     Bose Noise-Cancelling Headphones

This is a husband approved item. He loves his headphones! I have used them too when we were traveling to Ireland and couldn’t sleep due to noisy neighbors. The noise-cancelling feature works GREAT and the music quality is superior (as you might expect from Bose). This is a splurge item, but will help anyone who needs some peace when in a loud airplane!

There you have it, my top discoveries on how to make air-travel (and travel in general) better! If only we could get those bullet trains going in the United States, I’d be all about that!

Let me know in the comments if you have tried any of these! What makes travel better for you? Happy trails!  

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