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After years of running with the cheapest earbuds I could find, I finally broke down and invested in something much nicer. I researched the best headphones for runners and constantly came across AfterShokz as a top contender. These headphones use bone conduction instead of in-ear technology. This makes them a safer choice for anyone wanting to be more aware of their surroundings, like runners and walkers. After running with AfterShokz Aeropex bone conduction headphones for a few months, I can now give my full and honest review!

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There are several versions of AfterShokz bone conduction headphones on the market. The two versions I looked into were the older (and cheaper ) Titanium version and the newer Aeropex. The price of the older version is about half that of the Aeropex. After much research, I ended up getting the newer version. From what I read it seemed like the older version is a bit heavier, though still a fantastic product. Since I was “treating myself” I opted for the newer, slicker, lighter version. 

AfterShokz Aeropex headphones box and extras

First Impression on the AfterShokz Aeropex Headphones

Right out of the box, my AfterShokz Aeropex was easy to use and impressively packaged. They even came with a waistbelt for running that looks lightweight and functional. I don’t usually run with a belt, but I may have to try this one out since it looks flat enough that it won’t move around while running. The headphones’ instructions were clear and I was able to easily connect my Garmin Forerunner 245 music

Once I got on the road for my first run I loved the ability to hear the sounds of nature along with my tunes! AfterShokz is so perfect for runners like me who LOVE their music, but also want to be aware of any traffic or surrounding sounds. 

The buttons are simple and easy to use. One is the multi-function button, the others are for volume and powering on and off. Skipping songs is just two clicks of the multi-function button, and pausing is one click. Easy-peasy!     

Headphone Sound Quality

One of the big knocks that AfterShokz gets is the sound quality. In all fairness, I had been running with the cheapest earbuds (and usually just one bud in for safety), so these were a huge step up! If you are looking for the highest sound quality headphones on the market, these aren’t for you. I wanted something that would provide me with tunes during my run, while still feeling connected to my environment. That’s what I got, and the sound quality is completely fine for me! 

Side view of AfterShokz Aeropex headphones on

AfterShokz Aeropex Comfort

I was leery about bone conduction technology and how it would feel while running. When I first put them on, it did feel a bit different. But I quickly got used to them, and even asked my husband at one point where my headphones were while wearing them! So, yes it’s a bit odd at first, but they are lightweight and completely easy to adjust to. 

Winter Wear

One thing to note is wearing these under a tight head covering. During cold runs when I wore my winter over-ear headband, they tended to hurt after about seven miles. I have run many shorter runs with them plus the headband and had no issues. This may be a completely individual thing depending on how you wear your winter gear and your ear/head shape. I have had issues in the past wearing headphones under my headband (regardless of the type), so perhaps I have weird ears. *shrug* 

Two thumbs up for AfterShokz Aeropex headphones!

Are the AfterShokz Aeropex Headphones Good?

These headphones are lightweight, water-resistant, well-made, and easy to use. I wanted something that I could put on and forget about, with no wires or fear of them falling out. AfterShokz Aeropex delivered in a perfect way! While they aren’t the best sound quality you can get, they still offer an enjoyable experience that runners can appreciate. The price is high for the Aeropex version, and without any comparison to the Titanium, I cannot say whether the new version is worth twice the price of the original. What I can say is I will never go back to running with in-ear headphones! I LOVE being able to enjoy my music while also hearing if a car is approaching. They are SAFE and the perfect runners’ headphones! 

For more great gear for runners check out “Time-Tested Gear For Superior Distance Running“!

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