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Even though road racing is slowly coming back, many folks are going to continue running virtual races for a while. I know personally I’m not sure when I will run another in-person race. Don’t get me wrong, I am DYING to get back at it, but for now, I’ve been enjoying running some virtual races/ challenges. Check out a list of my previous races and recaps here (including a virtual 10K challenge and virtual half marathon). Currently, I am completing the runDisney virtual race series which includes three 5k races, all classic Disney attraction themed! Virtual races are a fun alternative to in-person events, and with some planning, they can be just as rewarding. Below, I am sharing my top tips on how to make your virtual race AMAZING!

Do it for the bling! This was before I completed the 10k and added my magnetic piece to the medal.

Pick a Virtual Race

This is an obvious one, but choose a virtual race that appeals to you and has the race distance you want to run. There are MANY out there from runDisney, Harry Potter races, Star Wars… the list goes on. Nowadays there are even more virtual races as many road races have had to change to virtual ones. Check around and see what you can find!

My Garmin Coach Half Marathon plan

Participate in a Training Plan

Picking a training program and sticking to it is crucial for many runners. For me, it keeps me motivated and pushing myself to work just a little bit harder. By choosing a training plan for whichever distance you want to run, you will have a well laid out road map to race success! Choose a plan to follow as you train for your virtual race. See my review of the Garmin Coach half marathon plan here!

Pick a Date

Once you choose your distance and plan, decide on a race date. This way you are committing yourself to complete your training and running that distance on a specific date. It can be easy to say “I’ll run it next week…” and never actually completing the race. Treat this the same as a road race with a fixed date and you will be rearing to race!

Running a Greenway for my virtual Half Marathon

Pick a Course

This is the beauty of virtual races. YOU can choose where you run! Do you want something flat, or maybe just a few hills? Do you want pretty scenery or something convenient like your neighborhood? Have a course picked out with a known measurement of your race distance, this way you don’t have to do any guesswork on race day.  

Destination Race?

My husband recently mentioned this to me, and it’s a pretty great idea, choose a “destination” race. Perhaps you want something a little different than your hometown, why not see if there is a great area for running that is an easy driving distance? Or if you want to get fancy, make a short trip out of it and grab an Airbnb for a few nights. I love the idea of going somewhere different (and maybe COOLER) for a fun virtual race! This may take a bit more planning as far as your race course goes, but it’s certainly a fun idea!

Alarm clock, wake up on time!

Pick a Start Time

Start your race EARLY like you would for any road race. This makes the whole experience feel special (especially if you start earlier than you typically run). Choose a time and try to stick with it. Yes, the beauty of a virtual race is that you can start whenever you want, but by picking a date and a time you are re-creating those in-person race vibes!

Eat your normal race day breakfast!

Practice Normal Race Day Routine

Going along with re-creating race day vibes, practice your normal race day routine. Do you typically wear a special outfit, eat a bagel for breakfast, lay out your clothes and gels the night before? Whatever makes your race ritual unique, be sure to incorporate it into your virtual race. Before I ran my virtual half marathon I carbo-loaded a bit the day before. All of these practices will make you feel fantastic and fast on race day!  

Have Friends and Family Cheer You On

If you have family or friends nearby who can cheer you on during the race or after, recruit their support! Even just having your spouse snap some finish line photos while cheering can make your virtual race feel that much more victorious!

I never miss a chance to celebrate!

Celebrate, You Just Ran a Race!

After your virtual race treat yourself to something special. Have a great meal, grab a special treat, or have a beer! Whenever I run a race I always look forward to my post-race meal. Plan something special to celebrate with and be sure to wear your medal and/or swag around that day!  

Share Your Accomplishment

Lastly, be proud of your accomplishment and share it via social media! Many of the virtual race web-sites have Facebook groups, so you can post your race there. Post it on your personal accounts too and be proud! Even if your race wasn’t an in-person road race, the miles and hard work are 100% real. You deserve to celebrate and brag about your hard-earned finish!

Follow these tips and you will have an awesome virtual race! I must warn you, once you start doing virtual races you MAY become addicted! I find myself constantly looking at new races and thinking about what to sign up for next. While the world waits for things to get back to normal enjoy this new experience of running virtual races. Don’t sacrifice any of your goals, keep getting in those miles, and just keep running! =D

To read more about my virtual race Half Marathon Experience check out “Virtual Race Recap: Meal Dash May the Fourth Half Marathon!”

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4 Replies to “How to Make Your Virtual Race AMAZING”

  1. I have been thinking about signing up for a virtual race, more specific anything Disney related. Love this post, thank you!

  2. Yes, there are a lot of virtual races recently. I usually run the local turkey trot. It looks like it’s going to be a virtual race this year. I love how you laid out how to go about doing a virtual race. Good tips and step by step instructions.

    1. I love this! In these strange times it’s finding a new approach and leaning to utalize and appriciate what it is that is going to make the world a better place.

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