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Hiking and experiencing more of the great outdoors has been a long term goal for my family. Now that we live close to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park we have started to explore the trails and get some more hiking experience. I am by no means an expert hiker, but my husband (who is retired military) has had his fair share of off the beaten trail exposure. After a few short hikes (and one LONG hike recently) we decided to put together a helpful list of day hike essential gear for beginner hikers! We were missing a few of these items on our last hike and we definitely wished we had them! Good gear can be the difference between a fun day hiking and a painful or even dangerous trip. Be smart and be prepared!

NOTE: Click on the photos to link to these products on Amazon!

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. These products are linked because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from them.

Hydration Pack

Getting a hydration pack for hiking was a game-changer for me. Hiking hydration is important! Having a hydration pack allows me to drink water without feeling the need to conserve. It also removes the hassle of stopping to pull out/put up water bottles. Get a well-fitting and lightweight pack to maximize comfort!


Sometimes you don’t need much more than what you can fit in your hydration pack. But if you need to carry a little more gear, bring an ultra-lite backpack to hold anything extra.

Hiking Shoes/ Boots

A nice pair of hiking shoes can be great for shorter hikes. If you are doing a longer or more rocky trail think about a supportive shoe/boot with ankle support. You definitely want to spend some time and money on shoes, they are very important for a good experience!  

Hiking Socks

Invest in your hiking socks! Socks and shoes are key components to hiking success. Think about the season you are hiking in and the environment. Summer calls for lightweight and breathable, winter will require something warmer. Always bring a backup pair for added hiking comfort. Plus, toss a pair of flip-flops in your car so you can free your feet after a day on the trails!


Hats are great for sun protection and keeping rain and sweat out of your eyes.

Ziplock Bags

Hiking can be sweaty or you might encounter random downpours. I always hike with my phone and keys in a bag so they stay dry no matter what!

Poncho or Lightweight Rain Jacket

Depending on where you are hiking, you might encounter rain storms. We did several times on our last hike and REALLY wished we had thought to pack a poncho!  


You will need these for exposed trails, you might not need them in the woods!


Bug Spray

Life saver! If you are like me and are NOT a fan of bugs, get that bug spray with Deet!

Lip Balm

Hand Sanitizer

It’s always good to have some hand-sani available! You never know when you will need it! There was a primitive toilet on our last hike, I was very thankful that I had some sanitizer!

Flashlight or Headlamp

The next few items are good to have in case something goes wrong and/or you find yourself out later than expected. It is just better to be over-prepared than to be caught in a bad situation.

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kits are always a good idea, you never know when you will need them. This kit has tweezers which are helpful for those annoying stickers and splinters. You also have wipes to clean wounds and bandages.


If you are going to go into the woods you need to know how to orient yourself and how to read a map. This way you can be sure not to get lost and know where you are and where you are going! My husband recommends Suunto brand compasses.

Knife or Multi-tool

Having a knife or multi-tool can help you do anything from starting a fire, cutting through brush, or even cooking. This knife is a great deal for a high-quality product.

Trekking Poles

Trekking poles are one of the items we did not have on our last hike. I realize now why they are so popular! They help with stability, take some load off your joints, and are all-around awesome for longer hikes!


Hiking can be very draining on your body and nutrients. Keep either a small bottle with some Nunn on you or some electrolyte replacement in your car. Do not try to fill your hydration pack with this, it is VERY hard to clean!

Protein Bar

Having some quick and filling snacks can be a lifesaver during a hike! I would pack more than you think you need, just in case!

Trail Mix

Have fun with your trail mix! I love making my own and seeing what concoctions I can come up with. Make sure you add some nuts and dried fruit for protein and sugars but be creative! We added animal crackers to our last mix and it was delicious!

For some more inspiration to get you out on the trail check out my “Top Running Movies to Get You Moving“. Many of these films cover amazing trail runners that will encourage you to get out and get hiking!

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6 Replies to “Day Hike Essential Gear for Beginner Hikers”

  1. Very useful… I always end up forgetting the sunscreen and lip balm whenever I go on a hike. Then again, I live in the UK, so it’s rare that we get the sun, but when we do, I burn badly, ha ha! I love the backpack you suggested. I’ll check that out…

  2. Wow, I didn’t know you needed so much stuff for hiking. We recently started hiking during quarantine so I’ll have to get some of these items!

  3. I think this is a very helpful list because I have never done real hiking and I really found here some things that I wouldn’t imagine taking with me!

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